Stuart Barden in Kenya

Monday, August 15, 2011

Lucy, rugged but strong

This is me with "Lucy", the conservancies manager Phil Tilly who is an Aussie allowed me to use his beloved for a while until I found some wheels.Phil and his wife Tim have been wonderful to us all.

Today I caught up on emails and continued working on getting the tractor and guidance ready to go. Our Ennor plough is hopefully being released from port tomorrow and so Wednesday should see us putting it together.

Our 12 year old daughter Grace set up a washing machine box with a stick and string with a banana as bait. She hid behind a fence and waited and waited,she went inside the house for two minutes and when she returned she saw her monkey escaping with the Banana.
At this she charged out the gate with a 50cm machete vowing revenge upon the cheeky monkey.

Our Daughter Hannah and Jake Lewis arrived a few days ago. It is great to have them both here.
Hannah is on her gap year and its great to have all the family here to start our African life.
Anyway I must post this as the generator gets turned off at 10.30pm and as we have no back up system yet all things electrical cease to operate. i.e internet.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Stuart. I'll be checking in regularly now that I have my internet back on. My boys have been playing Indiana Jones and they tell me that the monkeys keep stealing keys, spanners and shovels - therefore they don't want one for a pet!

