Stuart Barden in Kenya

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Monkeys strike again

Well, we have the internet back after 8 days without it. Turned out a large part of the problem was that the monkeys had bent the internet receiver over to the point it would not receive.
Anyway back on air now, a mob of emails to deal with.
We have been busy with Annie making the most of having many of our household things from the latest container, our house now looks more like our home.
James and Grace are doing well at school, they only board during the week and so its great to have them at home for three nights a week.
Grace enjoys driving around the conservancy on the weekends. James has been fishing although the fish have not been biting as well lately.
We have 7 employees at present plus various contractors, once we get planting done and the 8km or so of fence up we will probably cut back to 3 full time. Thats separate to Alex the gardener and Margaret who works in the house.
Still no rain, although it seems close now.
Annie is excited as she is on the chase for a second hand wardrobe, she has not got a home for her newly arrived clothes yet.
Anyway I do apologize for the long period without posting, blame the monkeys. Every morning we can hear them just on daylight running over the roof. All the roof is, is Hessian, black plastic with thatched grass. As you can imagine it sounds like they are going to fall through.
The previous photos show the planter as it was being put together as well as ten or so of the conservancies workshop men relocating the Simplicity air cart bin.


  1. I just knew I'd find you eventually - lovely to read of all your doings and so pleased you are safely "there"! Blessings on you all!

  2. Hi Stew
    At least you know the source of your internet woes.
    It would be quite liberating to "give the cheeky littl' buggers a dose of salt peter right 'up the rear quarters with the old 12 bore. Jolly good therapy." (Read quoted text as British Colonel, Retired. With pith helmet, of course!)
    Here we must be mentally paralised with voice recognition and on hold music from Telstra.

    Stay well

