Stuart Barden in Kenya

Friday, September 11, 2015

Nature Opening the Door for the Rains

There is a lot of talk of El Nino recently, which in many parts of Australia's eastern side is related to below average rainfall, the converse is true in Kenya and the region, it is more often than not above average rainfall when an El Nino event is occurring, with greater volatility as well.
In Spanish the term "El Nino" refers to "the Christ child" or "the male child" whilst "La Nina" means "female or girl child"
Heavy black cracking soils (called "Black cotton" soils in east Africa) like we farm in Kenya crack open due to the clay particles contracting as they dry, this then effectively opens the "Door" to filling up the soil with moisture, it also allows for some recycling of shallow nutrients and organic matter to fall and reduce a "Stratification"  of nutrients on the surface.
Nature is the ultimate zero till system!!

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