Stuart Barden in Kenya

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Chickpeas getting bulky

I took this photo today (sat), these chickpeas are going strong, my boot is at the base of the crop.
Not a lot of pods as yet although lots of flowers.(click on photo to enlarge)

Wet Over The Past 5 Days

We had some unexpected rainfall this week, as you can see from our soil moisture probe we are again at field capacity, makes it a bit hard on the Mung beans although with some sun all should be well.
Click on the image to see better

Friday, May 20, 2016

Our Annual Field Day

We held our annual agronomy Field day yesterday  (the 19th) we had recieved around 48mm of rain in the previous 36 hours and there was lots of slipping and sliding on the road in.
Around 140 people attended and from feedback today there was lots of value from the day.
Peter Schuur's who is friend/agconsultant/agronomist and lives in Uganda spoke over the day on the agronomy of various crops, he did a great job.
Bottom photo is of Annie and her friend Veena at lunch time.
We had a Aussie BBQ (Choma) for lunch with Annie cooking and icing hundreds of cupcakes and Anzac biskets for morning tea.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sweet Forage Sorghum 85 days After Planting

Look closely, you can see Wiz next to the sorghum, Kabuli chickpeas in the foreground, Click on photo for a better look. Sugar's are rising in the plant as it goes into head. The crop will be cut soon.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mung Beans and Wheat

Above are pictures of our wheat almost ready to harvest, it was planted on the 10th of Feb so it is just on 80 days from planting,  bit to quick to be much of a crop probably only 2 t per ha.
The Mung Beans on the other hand look fantastic with many pods being added daily.